Time and Constitutional Democracy


  • Stephan Kirste


Time, even social time, is often understood as if it were already there: We look into the future; we remember the past. This happens in the present. Like space, future seems to lie in front of or past behind the observer, or to signify the observer's location. But this is a quite un-temporal, merely spatial understanding of time. Accordingly, even in political science, we tend to speak of a quantitative time, which we have more or less of, which passes faster or slower. It is somewhat more temporal when we understand the future as something that is not yet, the past as something that is no longer, or the present as something that is taking place. According to this, only the present is real, unreal both future and past.


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Biografia do Autor

Stephan Kirste

Jurista, professor catedrático de Filosofia do Direito e Filosofia Social na Universidade de Salzburgo, presidente da seção alemã da Associação Internacional de Filosofia do Direito e Filosofia Social (IVR).




Como Citar

KIRSTE, Stephan. Time and Constitutional Democracy. Revista do Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 3, p. 75–87, 2022. Disponível em: https://revista.trf1.jus.br/trf1/article/view/431. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2025.