Intelligenza artificiale: il rischio come opportunità


  • Sara Tommasi


intelligenza artificiale, Unione Europea, rischio, processo decisionale automatizzato, human oversight


The word intelligence makes us think of human brain functions and recalling it for non-human machines is not adequate.

When we talk about artificial intelligence we refer to an automated decision-making process and that is to the fact that a user initially delegating a decision, partly or completely, to an entity by way of using software or a service; whereas that entity then in turn uses automatically executed decision-making models to perform an action on behalf of a user, or to inform the user’s decisions in performing an action. This can be deduced from the European Parliament resolution of 20 October 2020 with recommendations to the Commission on a civil liability regime for artificial intelligence (2020/2014 (INL), which proposes to use the term “automated decision-making” rather than artificial intelligence, precisely to avoid the ambiguities of the latter expression.  What has been said presents us with a difference: that of a decision delegated in part and that of a decision entirely delegated to entities that use software. As long as it can be said that the decision is not totally attributable to an artificial intelligence system - even if only because there are margins for human oversight - we can speak of risk. If, on the other hand, man cannot participate, albeit within the said limits, in the decision, then we must ask ourselves whether it is more appropriate to speak of danger.

In this way, it is possible to verify that the risk is confirmed as an opportunity.


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Biografia do Autor

Sara Tommasi

Professore associato di Diritto privato presso l’Università del Salento. Ha conseguito l’abilitazione alle funzioni di I fascia in Diritto privato e in Diritto dell’economia, dei mercati finanziari e agroalimentari e della navigazione. Ha svolto attività di ricerca presso il Max Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte di Francoforte e di docenza nella Facultad de Derecho dell’Universidad di Granada e nella Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas dell’Universitat Rovira i Virgili di Tarragona. È autrice di opere monografiche (L’attività e le fonti delle obbligazioni, Pensa MultiMedia, Lecce, 2003; Pratiche commerciali scorrette e disciplina dell’attività negoziale, Cacucci, Bari, 2012; La tutela del consumatore nei contratti di credito immobiliare,ESI, Napoli 2018), di numerosi contributi in volumi collettanei e di saggi pubblicati in riviste italiane e straniere. È Delegata agli Accordi Istituzionali e partenariali, nonché alla concessione dei patrocini.




Como Citar

TOMMASI, Sara. Intelligenza artificiale: il rischio come opportunità. Revista do Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 3, p. 67–74, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 fev. 2025.

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