The special testimony of children and adolescents in Federal Court



special testimony, institutional violence, victim


The Law No. 13,431/2017 has completed five years of existence in the current year of 2022. It is an important legislative diploma that establishes the warranty system of children and adolescents victims or witnesses of violence rights and it predicts that the childish and juvenile public will be heard by the judicial authority through an adapted procedure called “special testimony”. So that can impacts in a positive way on the concrete sphere, its essential that the normative prediction be accompanied by an effective culture changing on the heartwood of the judicial bodies, what being made possible, especially, by continued capacitations and trainings of the judges and court officials. With no doubt, the law has changed routines on State Justice. Nevertheless, it was not different on Federal Justice, that, not infrequently, is also stage of children and/or teenagers victims or witnesses of acts of violence hearings, under different forms. The present paper is based on the hypothetical-deductive method, using, methodologically, wide bibliographical revision, and it aims to examine the impact, theorical and practical, of the special testimony on Federal Justice, mainly in the first degree court. Finally, its concluded the relevance of it also exists the capacitation of federal judges to the special testimony, what certainly will contribute to avoid regretful cases of institutional violence and revictimization on Federal Court.


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Author Biography

Heitor Moreira de Oliveira, UNIVEM

Juiz de Direito no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo; Mestrando em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília – UNIVEM; Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG, com intercâmbio na Universidade de Coimbra.



How to Cite

MOREIRA DE OLIVEIRA, Heitor. The special testimony of children and adolescents in Federal Court. Revista do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 3, p. 172–186, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.