Narrativa penal e a democracia: cabe ao autor defender sua obra


  • Pedro Aurélio Régis de Paiva Habib Fraxe


direito penal, direito constitucional, democracia, coerência, crime de perigo abstrato, princípio do livre convencimento, obra literária, motivação


The procedural and material criminal law, for the formation of the magistrate's conviction and for the reconfiguration of what happened, manifests itself through a literary language. The criminal narrative must, in addition to respecting constitutional guarantees, be understood as reasonable and coherent and, therefore, must be based on the real and sufficient investigation of the facts and, primarily, on the reaffirmation of a value dear to the legal system, through the narrative. Anti-democratic acts, understood as crimes against the Democratic State of Law, must follow the systematic, by reaffirming and consolidating, in the social imaginary, the idea of ​​democracy.


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Author Biography

Pedro Aurélio Régis de Paiva Habib Fraxe

Pós-graduado em direito penal e criminologia pela PUCRS, graduado em direito
pelo UniCeub. Advogado criminal.



How to Cite

FRAXE, Pedro Aurélio Régis de Paiva Habib. Narrativa penal e a democracia: cabe ao autor defender sua obra. Revista do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região, [S. l.], v. 35, n. 2, p. 300–311, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.